
Embeddings are used in Lilac for Concepts, for Semantic Similarity, and for embedding-based signals.

The choice of an embedding can be crucial for a well-performing downstream signal.

Lilac has built-in on device embeddings:

  • gte-small: Gegeral Text Embeddings (GTE) model (small).

  • gte-base: Gegeral Text Embeddings (GTE) model (base).

  • sbert: SentenceTransformers text embeddings.

Lilac has built-in remote embeddings. Using these will send data to an external server:

  • openai: OpenAI embeddings. You will need to define OPENAI_API_KEY in your environment variables.

  • cohere: Cohere embeddings. You will need to define COHERE_API_KEY in your environment variables.

Register your own embedding#

You can register your own embedding in Python:

class MyEmbedding(ll.TextEmbeddingSignal):
  name: 'my_embedding'
  def setup(self):
    # Do your one-time setup here.

  def compute(self, docs):
    def embed_fn(texts: list[str]):
      # Compute your embedding matrix for the batch of text here. This return a matrix with
      # dimensions [batch_size, embedding_dims].
      return your_embedding(texts)

    for doc in docs:
      # Split the text, and compute embeddings for each split,
      yield from ll.compute_split_embeddings(
        # Use the lilac chunk splitter.
        # How many batches to request as a single unit.


After you create a custom embedding and register it, you will be able to use it as my_embedding.